14 – The Ghost in the Machine: Deleuze and Guattari beyond the Mind-Body Problem

Guest Edited by Chantelle Gray (van Heerden) and Aragorn Eloff



Chantelle Gray, Aragorn Eloff, The Ghost in the Machine: Deleuze, Guattari and the Mind-Body Problem 1-6


Nuove armi – New Weapons – Nouvelles Armes – Nuevas Armas

Emma Stamm, The Digital Image of Thought  7-18

Giuseppe De Ruvo, Rimettere il fantasma nella macchina: una critica deleuziana dell’ontologia digitale e della governamentalità algoritmica 19-34


Sintomatologie – Symptomatologies – Symptomatologies – Sintomatologías

Chantelle Gray, This is Your Brain on Algorithms: Thinking the Movement of the Mind with Deleuze 35-53


Necessità/Concetti – Necessities/Concepts – Nécessités/Concepts – Necesidades/Conceptos

Aragorn Eloff, Individuating mind: Deleuze, Simondon and the free energy principle 54-79

Emanuele Costa, Spiritual Automata and Bodies Without Organs: Spinoza, Deleuze, and Parallelism 80-93

Julie van den Wielen, Schizoanalysis and Bergsonism: Matter, Machine and Abstract Animal  94-114


Occhi rossi – Red Eyes – Yeux Rouges – Ojos Rojos

Marcus Pereira Novas, Antonio Carlos Rodrigues de Amorim, A Imagem-Contraste – Disjunções entre Consciência e Cinema 115-132

Marcus Pereira Novas and Antonio Carlos Rodrigues de Amorim, The Contrast-Image – Disjunctions between Consciousness and Cinema 115-132

*Please download the articles by clicking on the page numbers*

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