Special double issue – 50 years of Anti-Oedipus – vol. I “Taking Desires for Reality”, Rio de Janeiro, 3-5 October 2022

Edited by Jean-Sébastien Laberge


Ulysses Pinheiro & Rodrigo nunes, Presentation 1-3

Jean-Pierre Caron, The Vertigo of Reference. On Paulo Arantes’ Formação e Desconstrução and the critique of “French Ideology” 4-28

Rodrigo gueron, “The Economy Is the Homeland!” – Neoliberalism, Fascism and Bolsonarismo 29-55

Paulo Henrique Flores, The Logic of the Production Process: The Anti-Oedipus and the Struggle for the Reconstitution of a Materialist Position in Philosophy 56-72

Rodrigo Nunes, To Organize Desire: What Politics After Anti-Oedipus? 73-84

Ulysses Pinheiro, Derrida’s Role in Anti-Oedipus: The Colonial Archi-territorialization 85-99

Cristina Pósleman, Black Reading of Anti-Oedipus. Critique and Unconscious 100-110

John L. Protevi, The Multiplicity of Marronage 111-128

Suely Rolnik, Micropolitical Challenges in the Face of the Sinister 129-145

Cíntia Vieira da Silva, Desiring Machines and the Sex of Plants 146-153

Daniela Voss, On Anti-Oedipus: Deleuze and Guattari’s Spinozism 154-168


→  Download special issue “5O years of Anti-Oedipus” – vol. I “Taking Desires for Reality”   ←


ISSN 2421-3098

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